Through it all, the Africans in America sang. Aboard slave vessels and in the fields, in celebration and in mourning, they expressed their hopes, their fears, their defeats, and their triumphs through music. They sang to take their minds off their troubles and to vent their frustrations. They sang to reinforce the camaraderie they shared and to show their affection for one another. Through song, the people were united.

Using words, images, and songs—many sung by the author—No Man Can Hinder Me movingly captures the range of emotions felt by slaves and those newly freed on every step of their journey from enslavement to emancipation. Experience the music that sustained, encouraged, and empowered African Americans to survive in a world that tried to keep them down. It is a testament to the ability of a people to overcome anything, at all costs and against all odds.


Click here to listen to a sample from the CD! (MP3 format, 48 seconds)


Through it all, the Africans in America sang.
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